International cooperation facilitates the creation of solutions to common problems. VAQUUMS is a project that is subsidised by the LIFE programme. Within the VAQUUMS project 4 partners from Belgium and the Netherlands work together
- Flanders Environment Agency (abbreviated VMM) is
an agency of the Flemish government working towards a better environment in Flanders. Water, air and the environment. These are the three domains in which VMM is active. Within these three domains we have a wide range of responsibilities. VMM reports its monitoring results concerning water, air quality and the environment to the European Union, the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development…
- The Belgian Interregional Environment Agency (IRCEL-CELINE)
(participating viaVMM):
- Runs an interregional calibration laboratory enforcing comparability of quality assurance and control between the regional networks concerning air quality measures.
- Runs an interregional air quality database where data from the regional networks are collected, validated and processed into reports and studies.
- Informs the regional, federal authorities and the public on and during episodes of enhanced air pollution (SMOG episodes)
- Is the National Focal Point (NFP) for the European Environmental Agency.
- RIVM is the Dutch reference institute for environmental monito
ring. We operate the National Air Quality Monitoring Network and use the data for reporting for European legislative purposes and informing the Dutch public and government. We do that by reporting measurement data and using the data in calculations of detailed concentration maps for the Netherlands.
RIVM participates in European networks in the field of air quality: AQUILA (air quality reference laboratories), FAIRMODE (the forum of air quality modeling), CEN TC264 (a.o. WG42 about air quality sensor performance testing).
- The care for the human environment is an important issue wit
hin the ECN research on environmental aspects. In this respect, ECN has an international position with expertise in the areas of: ambient aerosols in relation to adverse effects on human health, climate change source identification and emission reduction, atmosphere-biosphere exchange of gases and aerosols in relation to climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and sinks and the haracterization of waste material and leachingin soil and water environments. The involved department of air quality and climate change has specific expertise in developing new methods of measurements, modelling, data evaluation and instrumentation.